The Center for Pre-College Programs (CPCP) believes that teachers and administrators are vital to students’ educational success.
Educator Programs
We offer courses and other resources to help STEM educators excel.
STEM Forum for School Leaders
Our annual STEM Forum for School Leaders is open by invitation to superintendents, other school leaders, and Board of Eduction Trustees. The half-day Forum is an opportunity to meet on campus to discuss innovations and best practices in STEM education. This year's live event, Leading the Digital Transformation in Our Schools, will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2024. It features panelists with technology expertise in K-12 education. Register here!
2024 Showcase for School Leaders (Teachers, Principals and Curriculum Leaders)
Teachers, Principals and Curriculum Leaders are invited to join us for our annual showcase event to experience hands-on activities, learn about our programs, and tour the NJIT campus. This year's "Showcase" is scheduled for Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon. This is a FREE event with free parking. For event registration, visit:
Throughout the academic year, CPCP offers teachers and curriculum leaders workshops and seminars on current STEM topics that enhance student learning. Check this page periodically for current offerings, and contact CPCP to be placed on our mailing list: or 973-596-3550.
Teacher and curriculum-leader programs at the CPCP include: