Past Events
Find our list of past events including presentations and more!
Click on a category below to see a full list of events:
New Jersey Brownfield Summit 2024
Combined presentation for the summit is below:
- June 12th, 2024
Puerto Rico 2024 Brownfield Summit
Presentations for sessions are below:
- June 3rd - 7th, 2024
Florida Brownfield Summit: Resources for Redevelopment
Hosted in partnership with the University of South Florida's Center for Brownfields Research & Redevelopment, NJIT TAB visited USF for a Brownfield Summit highlighting resources for redevelopment. NJIT TAB conducted two sessions that invited experts to speak on the unique resources available in Florida that may be used for brownfield sites. Each session invited specific audience and organization types and geared information that would work best for them. The two sessions were as follows:
- Brownfield Practitioner Session - this session was geared toward brownfield practitioners. Topics included state regulations, federal programs, and funding.
- Community Session - this session was geared toward local governments, non-profits, and community members. Topics included EPA funding and free technical assistance.
Presentations for both sessions are below:
Luck Favors the Prepared: Grant Writing Workshop
Our NJIT TAB Director, Sean Vroom will be presents a Brownfields Grant Writing webinar to help communities take advantage of brownfield funding opportunities.
Topics will include:
- EPA MARC grants
- Community engagement strategies
- Data collection and utilization
- EPA brownfield grant writing including common mistakes, and
- Consultant procurement
See below for more information on this workshop:
- June 19, 2024
NJIT TAB EPA MARC Grant Proposal Writing Seminars/Workshops
NJIT TAB conducts seminars/workshops with expert “Tips and Tricks” for a successful EPA Brownfield grant proposals.
These seminars/workshops typically cover the following topics:
- An Overview of the EPA Brownfields Grants application process
- Developing a grant program that works for you and appeals to EPA
- To Do List
- Tips & Tricks – Common EPA Brownfield proposal pitfalls and strategies to address shortcomings
- Questions you can be asking EPA NOW
FY2021 solicitation seminars/workshops:
- August 26, 2020 - Virginia
- August 4, 2020 - Delaware
If you are interested in having a seminar/workshop in your area, please contact us at
Transforming Brownfields into Community Assets
Executive Director of TAB, Colette Santasieri, gives an overview of brownfield basics.
Brownfield Basics Workshops
NJIT TAB 101 Workshops increase community knowledge of specific issues, challenges, and opportunities relating to the reclamation and reuse of brownfield sites. NJIT TAB 101 Workshops empower communities with the tools required to assess, cleanup, and redevelop sites.
November 30, 2023 - Chester, NJ (NJ Highlands Commission)
June 15, 2023 - HVPP, NY
- Agenda
- NJIT TAB Brownfields Basics
- EPA Region 2
- NJIT TAB - Getting Ready MAC
- HRP - Solar on Brownfields Case Study
Indian Nation Leaders Meeting Seneca Allegany Administration Building (SAAB)
June 28 2012 - Salamanca, NY
Roadmap to Mill Development Seminars
June 26, 2012 - East Laconia, NH
- Introduction to Brownfields: Site Assessment and Cleanup
- Roadmap to Mill Redevelopment: The Belmont Mill Story
- City of :Laconia: Community Involvement & Public/Private Partnerships
- Mill Redevelopment: Reducing Impact - Enhancing Value
- Financing the Redevelopment Process
- Historic Preservation Perspective
- NJIT-TAB Presentation
June 14, 2012 - Lewiston, ME
- Bates Mill Redevelopment Strategy
- Reuse, Conversion, Historic Preservation
- Roadmap to Mill Development Seminar: Pepperell Mill
- Sparking Growth in Rural Areas
- NJIT-TAB Roadmap to Mill Development Seminar
- Bates Mill: A Work in Progress
- Financing Mill Properties
- Reducing Impact - Enhancing Value
June 12, 2012 - Whitinsville, MA
- Alternatives' Whitin Mill
- Westmass Roadmap to Mill Redevelopment
- Westmass Financing Brownfield Redevelopment Projects
- Structure & Infrastructure Issues: Reuse, Conversion and Historic Preservation
- Connecticut Brownfields
- Consulting Engineers and Scientists: Introduction to Brownfields
- Financing the Redevelopment Process: Connecticut Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits
- Mill Redevelopment: Reducing Impact - Enhancing Value
- NJIT-TAB Presentation
Join us for a virtual workshop to learn about:
- The Brownfield Redevelopment Process
- EPA Grants and Program Requirements
- Procuring Consultants
...and more!
Additional Resources
NJDEP Brownfield Development Area (BDA) Virtual Workshop
January 24, 2024
NJ Department of Environmental Protection, Virtual
NJDEP’s Brownfield Development Area (BDA) program is a voluntary partnership between municipalities, stakeholders and the NJDEP Office of Brownfield and Community Revitalization to work closely together to re-purpose abandoned or underutilized contaminated “brownfield” properties. The BDA program partners with diverse communities affected by multiple brownfield sites to identify technical and financial resources to help design and implement investigation, remediation, and reuse plans for these properties in a coordinated manner, so blighted brownfield properties can be remediated and redeveloped in a timely manner.
In partnership with NJIT TAB this virtual workshop provided information on:
How your municipality would benefit from being designated as a Brownfield Development Area
How other municipalities have benefited from a BDA designation
The components of the BDA application
How to obtain free technical assistance in transforming your brownfields into community assets
Environmental Liability and Liability Protections for Vermont Lenders
The stakes are high for lenders when dealing with EPA and state environmental regulations. But both the EPA and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources offer liability protections when certain procedures are followed. This protects the borrower and the lender.
VT Seminar Series
This seminar provides information on:
How to understand, quantify, manage and reduce environmental risks
- How to identify the warning signs
- Where you can go for help
- Steps to mitigate the borrower’s and your environmental liability